Cybercrime is when a person of a system is used to commit an online crime or fraud. This person may be known as a cybercriminal. He/she gets illegal access to a person’s device and uses their data for various purposes. Some of the reasons why a person would do so it to either gain confidential information about a certain business, disable someone’s device or collect someone’s personal information for ابتزاز.
In current times, cybercrime has become a very common phenomenon. Even though the security and privacy precautions are also very strict now. But the hackers come up with a new way to breach systems at all times no matter how strong the security maybe. Therefore, in such cases it is always advised to prevent any event from occurring, that is, to not put any personal information at all on your systems.
Different categories of cybercrime
The three main categories under which cybercrime briefly falls are; government, property, and individual cybercrime. The methods used to gain access to the data under these categories depends upon the level of security used and the type of data being accessed
– Government: this cybercrime although is the least common one but it is still being committed. This cybercrime is not committed that often because the government agencies have strong security checks and verifications on their data systems hence if anyone tries to breach it, the person is most like to get tracked and then arrested by the criminal investigation authorities. This cybercrime includes accessing government and military websites and is often done by terrorists or agents of an enemy government.
– Property: this cybercrime is much similar to the real-life crime of gaining access to someone’s bank or credit card details. Fraudulent emails and messages are generated through which the user is scammed into sending their details as a response. Once the hackers get those details, they can then easily have access to the person’s bank account.
– Individual: this is the most common cybercrime. This includes sending emails or gaining information through fraudulent web pages and getting access to an individual’s private social media. This also includes hacking into someone’s device and gaining access to their data with the intention of الابتزاز الالكتروني or to stalk them. Human traffickers also make use of this personal data of a person they are targeting so that they can get to know about a person’s history and whereabouts. For more information visit this site: forextradenews.