Tantra is an ancient spiritual practice that originated from the Central and Southeastern parts of Asia that promotes the growth of oneself through pleasures, typically of the physical and sexual nature. You probably heard about tantric massages which involves massaging the entire body through stimulation with erogenous zones. Services such as London tantric are built on the tantra foundation of relieving the body of any stress and tension through stimulation and physical pleasure. A tantric Massage is not a simple sexual exchange alike to the workers in the sexual industry but is a form of erotic massage that integrates meditation, breathwork and muscle kneading with stimulation in order to ultimately release the body of pent-up stress.
If you feel interested or always wanted to experience the unique sensation of tantric massage but are too nervous to commit or you have no idea how to go about it. Then look no further than this guide as we explore the potential things you can experience with a tantric massage and how to prepare yourself for it.
Preparing the Body and the Mind
It cannot be denied that the nature of a tantric massage is sexual and intimate in nature. However, it should be not mistaken for or grouped into the same categories as people who work for the sexual industry. A tantric massage is meant to promote the inner healing of the client and the physical relief of any bodily stress.
Passive Pleasure
During a tantric massage session, as the receiver you must be willing to surrender yourself to the masseuse as you fully entrust your body to them. You should focus on the sensations and feelings across your body and you must be made aware of them. An important aspect you should take note is that you are only receiving pleasure without the need to reciprocate the feeling.
You must know that you are just a client and there is no need to do anything in particular during the massage. Prepare yourself to be in a mental state where you are open to many things and only need to focus on yourself.
Prepare the Time
A tantric massage session isn’t a simple 5-minute or 10-minute thing you normally see other massages have to offer. It is more time consuming as it spends no time with wasting how to go about it. It also focuses on the entire body rather than a certain part. The important part of a tantric massage is become lost and immersed so much in the moment you don’t notice time at all. Be sure to set aside a sufficient amount of time if you plan on getting one.
Good Personal Hygiene
Another thing to have prepared before you schedule a tantric massage is to have good personal hygiene. This makes the experience better for both parties as the massage greatly involves direct body to body contact. It makes it an overall pleasurable experience when both parties are comfortable in each other’s presence which is only possible with good hygiene when you have to show everything.
Be Openminded
An important thing to keep in mind and have throughout the coming experience is to have an open mind. Be willing to go out your comfort zone during the experience and try out things you usually wouldn’t. But also, be open to anything that your masseuse might suggest and willing to try. A key aspect to having a fulfilling and successful tantric massage is being able to accept anything and everything without having to think too much about it.
Enjoying the Experience to the Fullest
When the time comes for you to have your tantric massage, there honestly nothing much you can do rather than to trust your masseuse as she helps you to explore your body. As long as you prepared yourself with the things we mentioned previously, you are sure to have a pleasant and pleasurable experience. There are somethings your can try out during the massage that can help enhance the experience.
Respecting Boundaries
An important thing to note during the entire experience is to respect boundaries. As we mentioned before you, as the recipient, is only there to receive and nothing more. The same applies for the masseuse as they are expected to give pleasure without having the need or expectation to receive it back. It is essential to know this boundary and keep it in mind. This not only makes the experience professional but also guarantees the safety of both parties. Be sure to make any agreements before hand between you two and make sure to commit to them.
Focusing on the means, not the end
A tantric massage is a unique experience with each session being entirely different. You shouldn’t be too focused on the end of session but indulge yourself more in during it. Be sure to feel every touch, caress and strokes that your masseuse is giving you. Although having orgasms from the stimulation can happen, it doesn’t always have to happen. The important aspect of a tantric massage is using the stimulation and experience you had over the course of the massage to build-up on the feeling of reaching bliss.
Giving and Integration of Feedback
Giving feedback and reactions to your masseuse is a simple but effective way to enhance the experience. It gives them an idea on what you like and don’t like and potentially ways to further enhance the experience. Don’t be shy and open up on what you feel. It doesn’t have to be verbal as it can be done through body languages or subtle signs. Give them proper responses if like one thing over the other and don’t be afraid to show appreciation if they integrate it more into the experience.
Spend Time on Exploration and Reflection
As the experience all goes back to the teaching of tantra. Be sure to spend some time with yourself during the entire experience. You can use it as a time to think over many aspects of your life among other things. Although there are 2 people in process, it is most important that you always take care of yourself first before taking care of other people. Doing this provides you with better mental clarity and confidence to go about the rest of the day.