The decision to seek your LEED certification is an admirable one. Keep in mind that what you’re pursuing will take effort if you want to succeed. That means all the steps of your
LEED exam prep must be aimed at providing the desired outcome. Here are a few tips that will help.
Go Over Your Course Materials More Than Once
Reading the course materials once and considering the task done is not the way to prepare for the examination. That’s true even if you have an unusually high ability to remember what you read. Do take the time to go over the materials repeatedly; doing so allows you to pick up on nuances of the material that you may have overlooked previously.
If you’re using hard copies of materials, highlighting passages of particular interest is a good option. Even if you’re using digital materials, there’s likely a highlighting feature built into them. Use it to aid in spotlighting points that strike you as particularly important. This does help to reinforce them in your mind. The highlighting also makes it easier to find those important parts again.
Combine Them With Verifiable Information From Other Sources
Before you began the studies, there’s a good chance that you already know something about sustainable building, reducing water waste, and enhancing energy efficiency. Feel free to bring that information to the task of preparing for your exam. Check what you’ve learned ion the past with what you’re encountering in the study materials, and adjust your bank of knowledge accordingly.
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You may find some works referenced in the study materials. Seek them out and read them as well. That additional information may add clarity to what you’re studying and make it all the easier to prepare for the exam.
Develop a Study Routine That Works for You
If you’re looking for a one-size-fits-all approach to studying as part of the LEED exam prep, expect to be disappointed. That’s because there’s no one right way to structure your study effort. What works for someone else may actually be a hindrance to you.
Take a good look at your circumstances and identify the best way to set up a schedule for studying. You also want to make sure you have access to settings that are conducive to those studies. In particular, go with settings that allow you to pursue the study with a minimum of distractions. You’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish.
Remember It’s About Assimilating Rather than Memorizing Information
Perhaps you’ve passed other courses in the past by memorizing information that you were told would be on the exam. The problem with this approach is that it’s too easy to forget a lot of it once the exam is successfully completed. You do not want that to happen this time.
Make it your goal to assimilate the information that you learn in the course. Doing so will mean that you’re more likely to retain it, since it relates easily to other things you’ve learned. Assimilation is not just important for passing the exam; it matters in terms of putting what you know to work in the future.
Prepare to the best of your ability and never hesitate to ask for help or clarification if there’s something that seems to be more difficult to understand. Along with increasing the odds of passing the examination, you also equip yourself for a career that makes it easier to help create a more sustainable world for everyone.
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